World Music & Dance Institute and Dancing Planet Productions presents
Wedesday, February 19th
Matt Olwell,
various flutes, bodhran, songs, step dancing and lore from Ireland, Brittany, and beyond
At the home of Jamie and Betsy Platt in Potomac, MD
Suggested donation $20
Reservations required. Info/exact location/registration: hrhbetsy@gmail.com or 301.717.4641
Matthew Olwell’s work blends traditional and original music, songs, and lore from Ireland, Brittany, and the United States. Join us by the fireside and enjoy this solo performance featuring an exciting selection of traditional and original music on a selection of wooden and bamboo flutes and other wind instruments, songs and ballads from both sides of the Atlantic, and anecdotes from the fluteshop, grad-school, and life on the road.
Matthew has been a featured performer and teacher at numerous festivals and camps, including the Dublin Dance Festival, the Augusta Heritage Center, and the Aulnay All Blues Festival in Paris, and the original London production of Riverdance.
This event is co-sponsored by Folklore Society of Greater Washington see more at www.FSGW.org